Monthly apartments are often used as temporary housing. If you’re a pet owner, it’s only natural to want to bring your pet with you, even if your stay is short.
If this is the case, you’ll probably be looking for a pet-friendly monthly apartment. However, there are some things you should be careful of even if your furry friend is allowed to come along. Here we list a few things to keep in mind when moving into a pet-friendly apartment.
Find a Room with Good Sound Insulation

One of the most common causes of trouble is the noise that your pet can make. Even when you’re staying at a pet-friendly apartment, there’s no guarantee that your neighbor appreciates your dog barking all day.
In order to avoid such trouble, you should find a room with good sound insulation. If you can hear the voices of your neighbors, it might be a good idea to search elsewhere.
If you can find an apartment that’s designed to prevent the room from smelling like your pet, that may be a good choice as well. Not many want to move into a home that smells like an unknown animal.
Always Ask About Bringing Your Pet

Even if an apartment is pet-friendly, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all pets are welcomed. Depending on what kind of pet you have and how large it is, you just might have to find somewhere else.
So if you’re looking for a monthly apartment that allows pets, you should always inform the landlord about your pet and its size beforehand.
Sometimes there’s a limit to how many pets can stay in an apartment. This number is not usually clearly specified, but for reasons like noise and smell, you might also want to let your landlord know how many pets you plan on bringing with you.
Monthly Apartments Don’t Rent Out Pet Supplies

Monthly apartments are known for renting out various items and even consumables. Atinn provides furniture and appliances, as well as kitchenware and cleaning tools.
Pet supplies however are not available for rental. Pet-friendly apartments themselves are rare, so such supplies are not included in the various rental services provided.
If you need such supplies, you’ll need to get them yourself.
Be Careful Not to Damage the Room

Pets may be permitted but damaging the apartment is not. Depending on how bad the damage is, the whole wallpaper might need to be exchanged. If your pet harms the wall or any other part of the room, repair fees are for you to cover.
Tenants can use the furniture and appliances equipped in a monthly apartment, but these are owned by the manager of the apartment. If any of these are damaged by a pet, they’ll have to be paid for in full as well.
However, it’s common practice to get home insurance even if you’re moving into a monthly apartment, so this may cover some of the costs if there does happen to be any damage. Regardless, remember that the provided furniture is owned by the manager of the apartment.
Try to keep an eye on your pet whenever possible.
Have Good Pet Ownership Etiquette

Just because a monthly apartment is pet-friendly doesn’t mean everyone living there owns a pet. Some may not be fond of animals at all, or even have allergies.
If you plan on bringing your pet with you, be sure to also bring your good pet ownership etiquette. Don’t forget to pick up after your furry friend, because nobody wants a smelly hallway or dirty entrance.
Also, try to hold onto your leash so your pet doesn’t go loose within the apartment building. In some situations, you might want to carry them in your arms.
In Conclusion
- Find a room with good sound insulation
- Anti-smell apartments are a plus
- Bring your own pet supplies
- Be careful not to damage the room
- Have good pet ownership etiquette
It’s not unheard of for pets to be a cause of trouble, even if you’re moving into a pet-friendly apartment. This includes difficulties between tenants, as well as damage to the room itself.
Good manners and pet training will lead to a comfortable experience for all.
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